A Spark

A spark ignited in my small heart,

warming up what once was stone.

I felt it as it slowly grew inside me,

this knowing that I was not alone.

Seeing it brightly in my minds eye,

loved how far a flame could grow.

Awareness that was understanding,

and I realised that I’d always known.

A fire burning throughout my being,

was touching others along the way.

A spark that grew into a raging fire,

will keep growing throughout days.



Nature Lessons 351

When we only look at the external we are not really seeing the true being.

Look at the flower, beautiful as it’s bloom may be, it cannot stand without the roots, the love that flows through the stem and leaves that balance.

We are more than just the face, the body around us, we are what runs within, holds us up and everything that has ever happened to us.

~ Liza



Lessons in the Dark

Even the dark path can be the right way, when we learn from the mistakes we make. Some of the pathways we tread through life lead to dead ends, but in reaching them we learn something. Not all our lessons come easily, not all are taught in the light, some need us to travel through the darkness for a while.

Sometimes it doesn’t feel like the right way, sometimes we think there might have been an easier option, this indeed might be the case but not everything worthwhile comes easily. Listen to your inner voice, listen from within your heart, for only then will you find the right way. 

~ Liza



Turn Down the Volume

Turn down the volume,

take a while on your own.

Be at one with the stillness,

to find your way home.

To a place of completeness,

at one with what’s true.

It’s while in this silence,

you’ll discover who’s you.

Turn down the volume,

really listen to what’s said.

Not in any real language,

never heard in your head.

Vibrations you’ll tune into,

if your frequencies right.

From a place in the centre,

in the brightest of lights.




The Journey of the Flower



Imagine for a moment a flowers journey through life.  A journey that begins with it pushing up from deep within the hard earth, struggling to get through the darkness. The dark earth being all that it has known, but on and on it goes, because it is searching for the light. The flower hasn’t seen the light or been told about it but somewhere deep inside of its being it knows that there is light beyond the surface of the earth, it pushes on towards the light.

Breaking through the earth at last it encounters the cold, crisp air of a spring morning, moisture falling on it’s small and fragile body, pushing it down and back towards the earth. But something in the flower tells it to fight, to push on and stand up. The moisture passes along the tiny stem and sinks into the earth feeding it’s roots. Something that might have drowned the flower if it had given up, now feeds and nourishes it.

It begins to grow, slowly at first, but the draw of the light pulls it upwards, the flower now understands where the light comes from, the flower realises this light is it’s connection to all things. Looking around the flower starts to hear the music of nature, whispers, whistles and calls, the flower connects with the rhythm of the nature. Listening to what nature is saying the flower dances in the wind to confirm its understanding.

This is the stage the flower begins to understand it’s journey, it knows that it must open itself, it also knows that it’s opening will also be the beginning of its death. It understands the challenges ahead, but also understands the challenges are necessary to its growth.

The flower can feel a connection to the heart deep within the bud it still holds tightly closed. With the dawning realisation that there is a connection between the light of the sun and the heart, the flower begins to open its petals. Slowly at first, one by one each petal opens to bathe in the light of the sun.

The sun shines down on the open flower, warming and feeding the very heart of it. The flower knows it is near the journeys end but knows that it has reached its destination. Full of understanding and love the flower bows to the sun, bows down to the earth from where it came and closes at last, its journey complete.


Time Out


I have been taking time out, I’ve been recovering from my house move I suppose and have felt the need just to be. It’s crucial we take time just to be, to put life on hold and be with ourselves for this is where we discover who we are, this is the place we discover our own value.

In all that we do it is important to value ourselves because we are giving of ourselves constantly, and if we don’t value ourselves, then what we give is of little value.

People who work with others, in any capacity but especially on an emotional level have a responsibility to work with themselves, look after themselves and make sure that what they give is of the best quality. We can only ever give what we have, what is within us and if our energy is depleted then it makes sense that what we give is of lesser value.

I think we all expect the person we are going to visit, be it a doctor, accountant, spiritual guru to know what they are talking about, to be on top notch form, to be able to help us in what ever way is necessary. How can they do this if they don’t help themselves, how can they do this if they are racing against time, their own issues and not taking enough time out for themselves.

Yet how many people do we know that actually do this, be it with a supervisor, mentor, guide or just by themselves. How often do we intend to meditate, take a day out or have a treatment just for the good of our souls.

How often is it we actually listen, listen to ourselves or to what the universe is trying to tell us. How often is it we go inside and repair, clean and restore our precious selves. If our bodies are the homes in which our spirits live, isn’t it right we clean and bring them back to health regularly.

My time out can be alone or catching up with a good friend, it can be in silent contemplation or through inspired discussion with a like minded soul. It doesn’t matter how I take my time out, as long as I do, as long as I’m good to myself.

I can only give what I have, I have to love myself and treat myself well in order to be able to give that out. When I do I shine, I sparkle and I can share the energy of that freshness with others.




Finding my Voice


It’s taken me a lifetime to find my voice, to speak from my heart. I’ve always said what I think but for a long time in the right company, in the company of those that would understand. As a child I agreed with everyone else, it’s a Virgo trait to want to keep people happy. In fact I think it was more than that, I didn’t have my own voice, I had the voice of society, the voice of everybody else.

I still want to be liked, it’s deep rooted, it’s connected to experience and that ego mind of mine, but today I’m not as bothered. I want to be liked by those that get me, I hope people will listen and consider my opinion but it’s not important and I could well be wrong, I’m still finding myself and therefore my voice might change.

So what is finding your voice, for me it is discovering yourself, your self expression in whatever form it presents. Your own unique voice is passionate, it’s your own authenticity, it’s your truth. It probably won’t be like anyone else as it’s unique to each of us, our voice is our own expression of life.

Artists understand what it is to have their own voice, poets, writers, dancers and painters because their voice is their craft, they speak from the heart, they understand individuality. That to me is owning your voice, it’s speaking from the heart, speaking from the absolute knowing inside of each of us.

So is it our voice or the realisation that we are truth, we are connected and finding that connection gives us our uniqueness. I know that doesn’t make a lot of sense but bare with me. I’ve found my connection, I’m in touch with a universal consciousness and yet I present my own understanding of it, I’m unique in how I choose to present it. If we were all the same we would all be dancing, I have two left feet but I can hear the rhythm of the universe in my heart.

I’m in love with nature and nature has given me a voice and that voice is my understanding of natures message. I am the the author of my own voice and yet that voice comes through a connection with the universe.

If we think about a rose, it’s not the same as any other rose, it presents us with it’s own understanding of growth and this is influenced by it’s surroundings, it’s experience of the world. That’s how we find our voice, it’s an inner knowing which comes to the surface through experience, as experience helps us to listen.

Here’s a question, is knowing ourselves the truth or is it influenced by our experiences here, are the experiences to remind us of who we really are, or are they to challenge us.

I’ve found my own voice as the person I am, the human, I hope it connects with what is true but at the moment it’s my truth.

