Not Ever Finite

The possibilities out there are infinite,

not finite in any way.

There’s always something coming up,

in surprises every day. 

It’s just a matter of having awareness,

being open to truth.

Seeing beyond the boundaries of time,

to be a bit of a sleuth.

Recognising what you are given today,

being open for more.

You were placed here to achieve success,

treasure is in store.

Just think of the spiritual being you are,

finite is not a word.

If you came here with a hidden purpose,

limits are so absurd.




The Tapered Path

There was a natural taper to the path as it wound off into the distance. She was unsure if the path was right, was she going the right way or should she turn back and give up on ever finding herself. She sat for a moment, she’d come so far, given up so much, how could she possibly have chosen the wrong path. She thought about the intersection, the place the pathways crossed. There hadn’t been a sign but she had instinctively felt the path to the left was the one to take. She went back there in her mind looking at the place the paths crossed again, she was searching for clues, she was sure there would be one she had overlooked, nothing but a feeling. She thought about that feeling, felt it again, it had felt right, but now she just didn’t know anymore.

The journey was so long, much longer than she had hoped, much longer than they said and she was tired. It seemed that around every corner there was something else to trip her up, an upturned root, a hidden dip in the path or the enticing calls from the undergrowth. She wondered if the other path had been so treacherous, so unpredictable, she sort of doubted it.

She carried on, wary and tired but at the same time determined. She didn’t want to turn back, didn’t want to retrace her steps over the rough terrain. Hard as the journey had been up until now she felt somehow she was getting somewhere. Even the rest she had just taken, had been beneficial, it had given her time for reflection and introspection. although she didn’t know all the answers, didn’t know what lay ahead, she sort of felt restored and able to continue a little further.

It was around the next bend that she found the opening in the trees. Over in the distance a glistening pond, bathed in the light of the setting sun. Slowly she walked over to the pond and knelt to wash her face. Bending down, she saw herself, saw herself smiling through the glimmering ripples on the ponds surface. At this moment she knew she had been on the right path all along.



The Journey of the Flower



Imagine for a moment a flowers journey through life.  A journey that begins with it pushing up from deep within the hard earth, struggling to get through the darkness. The dark earth being all that it has known, but on and on it goes, because it is searching for the light. The flower hasn’t seen the light or been told about it but somewhere deep inside of its being it knows that there is light beyond the surface of the earth, it pushes on towards the light.

Breaking through the earth at last it encounters the cold, crisp air of a spring morning, moisture falling on it’s small and fragile body, pushing it down and back towards the earth. But something in the flower tells it to fight, to push on and stand up. The moisture passes along the tiny stem and sinks into the earth feeding it’s roots. Something that might have drowned the flower if it had given up, now feeds and nourishes it.

It begins to grow, slowly at first, but the draw of the light pulls it upwards, the flower now understands where the light comes from, the flower realises this light is it’s connection to all things. Looking around the flower starts to hear the music of nature, whispers, whistles and calls, the flower connects with the rhythm of the nature. Listening to what nature is saying the flower dances in the wind to confirm its understanding.

This is the stage the flower begins to understand it’s journey, it knows that it must open itself, it also knows that it’s opening will also be the beginning of its death. It understands the challenges ahead, but also understands the challenges are necessary to its growth.

The flower can feel a connection to the heart deep within the bud it still holds tightly closed. With the dawning realisation that there is a connection between the light of the sun and the heart, the flower begins to open its petals. Slowly at first, one by one each petal opens to bathe in the light of the sun.

The sun shines down on the open flower, warming and feeding the very heart of it. The flower knows it is near the journeys end but knows that it has reached its destination. Full of understanding and love the flower bows to the sun, bows down to the earth from where it came and closes at last, its journey complete.


The Field

Life is like walking barefooted across a field. Wild flowers spread out across the field in front of us, some in the sunshine and those under the tree. Each flower we come across is a different experience, a person we meet, a moment in time.

Each flower is a lesson, a message from the divine, a memory coming to the surface. We cannot possibly experience each and every flower, there are too many to encounter, some will be here next time we cross. 

Make the most of each flower you see on your way across the field, look closely at it, see how it shimmers in the sun, listen to it but do not pick it. As you reach the other side, take a deep breath, hold onto what you have learnt, it may be a while before you cross again.

~ Liza



Journey of Discovery 

Life is about opening, we cannot avoid it, each experience teaches us this. Each discovery opens us a little more, teaches us something new and we expand further. We discover our connection to all things, we open up and reach out. As we open to experience we grow into what we always were, we realise ourselves and all the potential we were born with, we become.

Opening up, awakening and realising self is not something that happens to the chosen few, it is something that happens to all of us from the very moment we are born, we just need to recognise and allow the process. 

Life is about finding ourselves, finding the force that travels with us, realising and becoming our authentic selves.

Think back now, think about your own experiences for a moment and what they have taught you. Ask yourself if you could have avoided them and if you had would you have learned as you did. Would these things have happened anyway in another way, was each lesson necessary, mine were.

And as we travel forward I know that there is more to come, we are here to learn, here to discover and within that make a difference. Life is simply a journey of discovery.


My Passions

I read this fantastic post by Kayla at essencentral  It inspired me to think about my own passions. In her post Passion and Purpose she asks a number of questions so I thought I’d have a go at answering them.

Please give Kayla’s post a read, it’s truly inspiring!

What puts a smile on my face?

People, my family and friends and people in general.

Relationships are important to me, I like to communicate and not on a superficial level either. I love deep conversation with like minded people. I like to explore emotions and I like to help others work out what’s meaningful, I like to find purpose to life. Sometimes we have to talk to bring out what’s inside and talking to others who understand is the best way to do this. I like to help others work things out, it makes me happy, it helps me feel worthwhile. I’m empathic and work with energy, I’m also able to connect authentically as a human being which is essential in building relationships. I like to look after people, I like to show others how to look after themselves or others. We are made up experiences and have amazing stories to tell, I like to help people tell their stories.

Writing, it’s the outlets for my thoughts, how I work myself out and make sense of my life or the world around me. I find writing both healing and inspiring, it’s a way to tell our stories.

Nature and the lessons it teaches us, the messages of growth and transformation, the beauty of it. I am always out in nature, it feeds me and if I’m out of sorts at all it heals me.


What do I find easy?

Communicating, I like people so it’s easy for me. I’m not afraid of my feelings either, I find it easy to express myself, I wear my heart on my sleeve and I’m not afraid of what others might think.

I’ve spent the last 20 years working with people traumatised by their experiences in therapeutic settings. I’m able to work in situations of crisis, I’m empathic but able to separate myself from the trauma and not take it with me.

I’m practical, I’m able to break things down into something that’s easier to manage and understand. This has been helpful in managing groups and individuals but also in direct work, helping others work out what might seem muddled and insurmountable.

I’m not afraid of public speaking, in fact I quite enjoy it even if I have to harness a bit of fire by putting on my lipstick and high heals!

I like to look after others, feed them, cook for them, care for them and make them happy. I like to cook, I find it easy and my friends seem to like my food, I’m usually the designated cook!

What sparks my creativity?

Love, nature, kindness, fresh food, colours, beauty and people and the words they use.

Stories, I think we all have a story to tell and I love to think about the story behind something. Walking in nature I like to think about what it’s saying, what is the message it’s giving. The world around us teaches us so much if we take the time to look and listen.

What would I do for free?

All of the above but it would be nice to be paid 😉

I will always help people, lends an ear, help them work out their problems. As a child I was called Liza the Advisor and it’s sort of continued although I won’t interfere, people have to want help. I don’t believe in telling others how to live their lives.

I write every day, it’s my therapy and I have to cook to eat!

What do I like to talk about?

Love, emotions, philosophy, spirituality, health…..

I like to talk but I don’t like to waste my words, idle chit-chat isn’t for me unless it is leading somewhere deeper. I like meaningful conversations even if we might be searching for answers forever as I love to philosophise.

I’m into spirituality and love to talk with like minded people, explore and learn new things. I’m constantly thinking about my purpose, where I’m going and if I’m on track, it’s important to me.

I love to talk but I think silence important too, we can discover ourselves in silence. To sit in silence with another can be incredibly powerful. Look into each others eyes and connect as souls.


Thanks for the questions Kayla, now for my passion plan 🙂


Waking Up


Do you ever feel that you understand something but can’t quite put it into words.  The concept is bigger than words allow, it’s just a knowing and that knowing is magnificent in itself.  I think this might be linked to what is described as a sort of spiritual awakening.  You begin to live life with a different understanding, nothing has changed on the outside but somewhere inside of you, at the core of your existence, everything is different.  You are still living the life you always have, with the same friends and family around you, although something has shifted and that something, you can’t quite put it into words.

You look at everything differently now, you see things as if through fresh eyes.  Nature has never looked so beautiful, your drawn to art of all kinds and revel in dance, poetry and philosophy.  You blend with your surroundings, they become you, and you them, you recognise oneness. You switch off the television and cancel the papers, life is now full of questions that can’t be answered by anyone else.  Space and time for your self are an important commodity, you find silence to be almost musical and necessary for your peace of mind. You make new connections, people come into your life as if by chance but you know they are meant to be, others leave in the same way.  Love becomes real for what seems like the first time and you understand the immenseness of the feeling, to love is to live.  It becomes obvious that love is the answer to all of the problems in the world as love is caring, love is a prayer and thought for someone or something and has the ability, if given the chance, to conquer all ills.

I started to see and feel life differently after a couple of very difficult years.  I went through  a period of immense trauma including a number of significant losses, that pushed me towards introspection, I needed to know who I was, I was searching for purpose.  The shift wasn’t immediate it took time but I could never now be the same person I was once.  Of course there are elements of the old me, I’m still the same but my answers are different now.  I’m softer, I give myself time and I don’t aspire to be anything other than the best me I can be, I recognise myself as a student, I’m learning and have lots to learn.  I am as what can only be described as searcher, I’m looking for answers, but on the other hand I know some of these answers are too big for me to comprehend at the present moment.

People wake up in different ways, it’s usually a big event, a near death experience, a life changing event, whatever it is usually the breaking down of all we knew and relied on, the Tower in the tarot deck explains this well.  I’m not saying I’m awake, I’m probably far from it, but I’m on the path towards it, which is a much better place than I was in.

I don’t know why I wrote this today, I think I want to hear about the experience of others.   If your reading this and reach the end without zoning out, what does it say to you, how can you relate?  I’m having a deep Sunday here in the UK, whatever your doing I hope it’s beneficial  🙂


The Richness of Being Without

It could be said it’s easier to be true to yourself when you don’t have much in life. Your not concerned with loss of wealth because you have little to loose, nor are you concerned with reputation because nobody really notices or knows you. 

When you can just be yourself with little regard for material objects or social expectations, I think that might be as close to truly authentic as a person can get. Living as true to ourselves as possible without being swayed by others or the demands of society, maybe that’s when we find the answers.

It’s a funny thing, that when we let go of the rules, live in truth and love, we naturally draw people to us for the right reasons. They draw closer because of their interest, because they want some of this love, they want to understand it and reach a place of happiness and contentment too. People are funny creatures, they continue to want what they don’t have, not realising not having is often the path for which they are searching.




The beach is empty but for the waves that greet the shore, there is a stillness.

The surf rolls in bringing with it the shingle and small shells caught up in the momentum of the moment.  They tumble towards the land from the tips of the waves and fall into place upon the shore.   This happens under the control of the tides, the tides under the control of the moon.  The shingle has no choice in the matter it waits where it lands.  The shoreline sparkles in the sunlight, this pinks and whites, the blues and silvers, the solid browns and mottled are placed on the earth at the will of the tides.

This could also reflect our own earthly lives as we tumble from the womb into families as individuals.  The warmth and glow of a loving family may shine upon us or as if by night the dark and coldness of a family bereft of love.  What surrounds us in our earthly existence is left to chance.  It is what we make of the opportunity, how we relate to those around us and how we blend in or stand out and makes a difference.

Like the waves that hit the shore we will be met with challenges.  Some will throw us up and into the unknown, many will require us to start again – it is eternal.

We will shine in the sunlight, be buried from view and occasionally be left in the dark.  This is the power of the universe we are joined to, at one with.  As the shingle makes a beach and goes on to make land, as individuals we make mankind and influence the future of the earth.

We are connected by chance, but our goal is to become one with the universe by finding ourselves among the shingle.