What do you Think?

I saw my grandpa on the night he died, he was standing over me looking down. I was terrified at the time, hid under the covers until morning, praying that God would make him go away.

I loved my grandpa dearly, but knew his body had been taken from the house, I knew he was at the undertakers. I never mentioned it to my Gran, his partner of over fifty years. As an Irish Catholic I think she might have washed my mouth out and certainly wouldn’t have believed me. I didn’t offer to stay another night and any times I stayed following that night, I always hopped in with my Gran. I never saw him again but have often been told he is with me.

I believe in life after death, you’ve probably gathered that by now if you’re a regular reader of my blog, but I have so many questions. One of these questions is, if a body has been disposed of, how can it look the same? Sometimes I believe, or have heard, they might look younger, healthier, happier. But why do we see them as they once were when they have left their bodies. Is it the energy we recognise, our brain doing the rest, or is it them, does a spiritual body have some sort of form?

After my mother died, I sat up for nights looking for her, I was sure she would appear, I’d asked her to come back but she didn’t. I think maybe my childhood fear closed the shutters. I think I have prevented myself from ever seeing anything quite like this again.

I’ve seen other things, people I don’t know, but not in the same way. Although they might look like they are in the room, I know they are in my head, it’s different. After my cat died she jumped on the bed a few times, the last time I kept my eyes closed hoping she would stay and she padded all around me before disappearing again. I think she came to let me know she was okay, just as my grandpa did.

I’ve seen a Buddhist Monk and a Big Warrior sort of guy, I don’t know them. I see or sense people who aren’t really there, can’t be seen by anyone else, but never like grandpa.

Sometimes when I’m in bed, I’m tickled, touched I think. It’s like a stroke, the most gentlest stroke, sometimes like a spiders web across my face or hand.

Now for reincarnation, I’m a firm believer in this too. I regress people and take them into future possible lives. I’ve been regressed and seen the men and women I have been. So if we live so many lifetimes, why do we look like the last if we come back like grandpa? I’m not sure I make sense, let’s try again. If I have one soul, but many bodies, surely they are all part of me, so I would look like a mixture of them all. Or is it my soul would look like me to anyone who knew me in this life, but different if I was visiting a past life in France?

It’s all bloody fascinating, I’m intrigued but suppose I’ll only ever know for sure when I get there and that’s if I’m right. I’ve sort of come to the conclusion it’s all energy, we recognise the energy and our human brains do the rest. The people I don’t know, like the monk, I put his energies into the form I recognised. I’m not sure from where, maybe a different life. Or maybe my soul, knows him, maybe my soul recognised him as a monk.

No I’m cheating a bit on the daily post today, although my grandpa was my grans partner. I haven’t got a partner to chew this over so I though I’d ask what you think. It would be great if someone could answer my questions or at least give them a go.

This is how my mind works when I’m procrastinating. I should be packing for my house move on Tuesday not working out the whys and wherefores of life and death!


Love is just a Word

I’ve been thinking about karmic relationships quite a bit lately. Those people we keep coming back with to resolve or learn something, the people who come along with us to help us with our lessons.

I don’t think they come back for us but at the same time, they are on their own paths too, with their own lessons. It’s just that the paths are intertwined somehow, their lives and ours wrapped up together for a while.

There’s purpose, everyone we meet is meant to be, even the meetings of moments, the person who picks up a dropped glove, the person who stops to let you cross the road, it’s all in the play.

I call it a play, because that’s sort of what it is, all the actors are in place, but we improvise, there isn’t a script, we can decide where we go with each meeting. I can smile at the man who picks up my glove and make his day or frown because the glove is wet and ignore his kindness. Each of these actions will have a different impact, each will change his day.

I don’t necessarily believe in chance meetings, I think they are destined, it’s what we do after, that changes the course of events. If I’m supposed to meet you on 17th November 2017, I will, how I get there will depend on what I do today or tomorrow, you too, but we will meet. Mind boggling, isn’t it, but it’s what I believe.

People come in and out of our lives, some stay, some move through quite quickly, each of them change us in some way. They change us through their actions and our responses, as we do them. It’s all in the plan, the plan we once knew about but forgot.

I think we come here to learn and perfect certain qualities, like kindness, compassion, empathy and love. To learn we have to be presented with situations that teach, through situations that are not alway easy, we help each other.

My dad has always talked about his mother not loving him, he never felt loved by her and she never told him she loved him. My dad because of this has always found it difficult to express love himself, I’d go as far to say understand love in the real sense of the word. That’s funny, it’s not a word, but until we know love it is just a word. I think they will come back together again, I told him this earlier and he looked horrified. My dad thinks he has made an agreement with the almighty that he will be born again with his late wife in Australia, who am I to argue!

That got me thinking about my relationships, who I might have travelled with through many lifetimes. My mum, sister and son for sure as I know their souls and my dad too because that has been a learning experience for both of us. Who else, I don’t know, my best friends, certainly. But what about those that have caused pain, hurt me or betrayed me, what about those I have hurt, yes we will meet again, we will be given another chance to get things right.

I want to make the most of all the relationships I have in life, those before me anyway. I would also like to let go of past hurts, recognise them for what they were and take the lessons with me.

I’ve seen someone in regressions, they are different people but the same soul. I want to stroke their face each time and that’s not something I would do. I’ve not met this person this time yet, I wonder about them, will I meet them or will I have to wait.

Mentally I want to make peace with all those I’ve known, those that have moved on, those I’m no longer in contact with. I want to have learnt from the experience, I want it to be okay, for them too.

I could go on rambling, but I won’t, I’ll save it for when we meet on 17th November 😉



A Temporary Stay


I’m renting at the moment, it’s temporary. I’m renting a flat while I take a breather, plan for the future and set myself up, but it’s certainly temporary.

Life is temporary, we are here for just a while and yet our spirit is infinite, our spirit continues long after this life. We travel through many lives, what seems to us a lifetime is just a temporary stop off, like another lesson in school. We enter the classroom, absorb what is being taught, store it somewhere, gather our things and go onto the next lesson.

I like the flat I’m renting, it’s new, modern and spacious. I’m on the balcony at the moment, I just love having an outside space. I don’t like the town of Worthing, it’s not my sort of place, the people are not my people, it’s hard to explain but Brighton is more my vibe. Brighton is full of interesting people, vibrant, weird and wonderful. I can find stimulating conversations on every corner, art and music are just a stones throw and the food choices are huge. I tried to find a good bakers today, I’ll go into Brighton tomorrow and while I’m there, I’ll go to Infinity Foods and stock up on essentials.

We could be born anywhere, each time a different place or keep returning to the same place time after time. I think we are involved in choosing but we might also be drawn back for reasons, unfinished business or to continue a lesson. We might stay up to a hundred years, maybe longer, often shorter but it is still only temporary compared to continued existence of the soul.

I can cope with living in Worthing, I have space and I need space, I’m minutes from the sea and the beaches are not covered with tourists. The sea smells of seaweed and not beer and candy floss, that’s certainly a plus. I am fourteen miles from Brighton and can go in any time I need a fix, my son lives in Brighton.

If we look at life as temporary and break it down into parts, we can see it is all temporary. The good times and the bad, nothing lasts forever and it’s good to make the best of what we have for as long as we have it because the tides will change and another lesson will present itself. Each time life presents us with challenges, welcome them and know they are temporary, that they are there to teach us and they won’t last, brighter days are just around the next bend.





I don’t want my life to be meaningless, how many times have we heard that, but it’s true, I don’t. Then what is meaningless and to who does it mean nothing? I think every life must mean something, even those we can’t find the meaning in.

I’m a regression therapist, well that’s one of the things I do. Because of this, I realise I’m more than the person I am today, I am everybody I have ever been. That helps with the ego a bit because it’s not all about me, the person I am today, it’s about those other parts of me stored in my subconscious. Everyone I have ever been or might be is with me now, I know that’s hard to get your head around.  My soul has travelled, it’s learnt and spent time on many a meaningless pursuit.

When I was regressed a few years back, I visited several lives, my favourite a doctor who kept a journal of his findings, I loved him. Then there was this one woman I saw, it was me, I had no time for her, I didn’t like her because she had wasted her life, it had been meaningless. Now as I think about her today, was it so meaningless if my visiting her, helped me see I wanted a purpose in this life.  Interesting isn’t it, can we waste a life to help another, now there’s a thought!

Daily Prompt – Meaningless


Where would you go?



Imagine if there really was no such thing as time, everything was and is happening at this precise moment in some form and you could go anywhere, where would you go? If I could take you somewhere, back in the past or into the future, where would it be?  A past life maybe, somewhere to perhaps remember the lessons of that life or into the future to see where you might end up in say five or ten years or even into a future life.  Wouldn’t it be interesting, maybe we would recognise each other in another form or those we know today?

I went for regression therapy myself after my mother died, I couldn’t come to terms with her death and was in a state of grief. It had always been something mum wanted to do herself, on her bucket list so to speak so I thought I’d give it a go myself.  I was taken back in this life, taken just a short while back and then further to the point of my mothers death.  This might sound morbid but it was something I couldn’t allow into my thoughts, I was I suppose in a state of denial. Seeing it again, or rather viewing it from another point of existence sort of made it real for me, I cried buckets as you can imagine but I accepted her death.  I went back further to a teenager, oh how I felt sorry for that poor girl, know all know nothing I think the term is, I loved her anyway, I think she needed that.  I went back to being a toddler, felt the enormous love of my mother and to a baby in the womb listening to my dad sing.  This might seem far fetched to those that won’t allow their minds to travel this way but to me it was cathartic and healing.  Even if my body was just lying on that couch, my mind was able to expand, travel and heal.

I travelled back through other lifetimes, some of no interest, I looked on detached from what I saw.  One woman, who I believed I was, I had no time for, she was bitter and twisted and had wasted her life.  I experienced her as an old woman and felt there was not much else for her to do with that life but die and try again in another life.  I found myself as a doctor in one life, looking at my shoes I was amazed to find myself as a man, he is my favourite so far, he kept a journal of his findings and died with the journal open next to him on the bed.  Would you believe I found him the next day on the internet, he looked exactly the same and when I read about him it was the same as I had learnt during the session, mind blowing!

So what can we get from past lives, I think lots of lessons.  As much as I loved the doctor, loved the fact he wrote and was passionate about his lives work, I also understood his loneliness, he had sacrificed family, never marrying or having children being married to his work.  I learnt from him about balance, to be committed to your work might be wonderful but make room for love.  In this life as much as my career has been important, never more than my love for my family and friends, they will always come out on top.

Recently I’ve been into the future, or the best possible future to how I’m living today.  I’ve been forward five and ten years and it’s fascinating.  I can see potential and possibility, it has given me, above all, hope.  I’ve trained as a Past Life Regression and Future Life Progression (FLP) practitioner now, another tool for my box of tricks and I’m having fun experimenting with my new found skills. If I can help people see possibilities then that has to be good.

I think both the past and future can help us make sense of the present, I think we can understand the lessons in this life that sometimes seem pointless or cruel.  I can see why some people appear to have it all and others nothing at all but do believe in balance as in some way or another, life or lives will even out.

This post is not in any way meant to offend, I’m not pushing any beliefs on anyone as I believe being present in the moment every bit as important, I’m just curious and for me I’ve found these therapies helpful in making sense of now.  So if you could go anywhere in time, where would it be?
