Happiness Jar


I’ve made a happiness jar, it’s full of happiness, wishes and aspirations.  I usually make New Years resolutions. Last year I did okay with them but I often find at the end of the year I rarely remember what my intentions were.  This year I’ve written down my hopes and dreams  and put them into a jar with little crystals, glitter, lucky heather and other bits and bobs.  I’m going to put it up on a shelf where I can see it, so that I remember and maybe add to it.

Some of my friends and family have also added to my jar.  I have some beautifully simple and deeply profound messages.  We don’t always know what is best for us, so the wishes of others, given in love adds that little something else, a little sparkle I think.

It is a little like recreating yourself, filling yourself up with goodness, I’m enjoying thinking about all the things inside.  I can look through the glass, into the interior of the jar and remember how positive I was when I created it, remember the love of those that added to it.

It will be good to go through these messages at the end of the year, remember how I was feeling and think about the things I have achieved.

Daily Prompt – Interior
