Comfortable in my Skin

I haven’t any qualms right now,

I’m truly showing myself.

I’m comfortable with who I am,

that’s not like anyone else.

I belive in authenticity,

and I’m comfortable in my skin.

I haven’t always been like this,

I was always just like my kin.


It takes a while to find yourself,

longer still to let it show.

That small child has vanished now,

she’s from so long ago.

I thrive today on my uniqueness,

I’m really liking who I am.

You see, if I can come to terms with me,

then anybody can.


If I’ve a qualm about anything,

it’s why I waited so long.

We come to find ourselves here,

before our lives are gone.

Let us not focus so much on the past,

it’s me who stands here today.

And anyone who isn’t too sure,

has every right to walk away.


Daily Prompt Word ~ Qualm


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