
I’m having to jiggle things round a bit,

for future plans I have to make.

There’s things I need to sort out now,

with some decisions to be made.

With my life just like a jigsaw puzzle,

some shapes not fitting into place.

I’ll  think about the sharp edges first,

before I fill that middle space.

I’ll have to make the picture clear,

so I’ll see where it is I’m going.

I so need a future that is easier now,

I really  want it to be flowing.

I’ll continue to jiggle it around,

until I’m certain I have it right.

Some bits are a little harder to fit,

the space for them is tight.


Daily Prompt Word – Jiggle


6 thoughts on “Jiggle”

  1. You’ve expressed your thoughts really cleverly here. I feel like Im struggling a bit with my life jigsaw too. Great analogy that I think a lot of people will relate to 😊 Xx

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