Faded – DP (2)

Those silhouettes in the frame are faded now,

nearly out of sight.

Only a mixture of greys today,

where once they were black and white.

The necklace you wore on your wedding day,

just a pile of pearls.

I remember it hung round your tiny neck,

catching in your curls.

I see your handwriting on paper,

but can’t hear a voice anymore.

Listening to your favourite opera,

while focussed on keeping score.

Your fading out of my life dear,

while I’m trying to hold on tight.

Please visit with a small reminder,

come into my dreams tonight.


Daily Prompt – Faded





2 thoughts on “Faded – DP (2)”

  1. Lovely! I definitely feel the ache of this poem. This season definitely has a way of making the world feel as though it’s ending.You should’ve seen Baltimore earlier today. Nothing but fog as far as the eye could see (or, couldn’t see, really lol)

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