New Blog

Hi my lovely blogging community.

I have started a new blog and wonder if you would mind taking a look if you have the time and give me some feedback.  My reason for starting this is I wanted a separate space to think about subjects close to my heart, see if I can be of any help to others.  It is still very much in it’s infancy, I have more to do but thought this might be the best time to get your feedback.  I’m not sure if it will be of any use but I’m hopeful.

I intend to continue with this blog, I just wanted to see if I could create something else.

I would welcome your comments, the nicer the better 🙂

21 thoughts on “New Blog”

    1. I’m not sure yet but a number of people have contacted me through my lizalizaskysaregrey blog to discuss certain areas, concerns etc. I thought I would make a space, see where it goes, I suppose a more professional place 😉 🙂

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      1. When I first joined the site I got a premium account .john wanted me to have a business account. I have offloaded all the crap I was carrying on to my site and I think it has gone is lots of different directions.. so John said yesterday let buy a business account and I can run both. But as you know my spiritual side is leading me so the new site called Is going to be the site for going forward although I do have the other one for another 8 months. I suppose it’s a bit of a burial site if that makes sense x

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      2. I will run both sites yes. You can see my site now click the link. I have FaceTime maybe that would be a good way to chat one day 🙂

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  1. Hi, Liza! How exciting that you’ve started a new blog.

    It’s truly such a great way to find your voice and opinions/perspectives.

    I have MANY posts about blogging on my website, but please let me know if there’s anyway I can help you, further.

    Liked by 1 person

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