Writers Write

So your mind is full of  random words,

weird sentences in parts.

You want to get it down somehow,

but don’t know where to start.

So you want to be a writer,

maybe write that book one day.

 Writers, write you know not talk,

that is all that I can say.


So you have read all the classics,

although your not too sure.

Plan to read more before you write,

as ideas you want to store.

You want to write a blockbuster,

that would work as a screenplay.

Writers, write you know not talk,

that is all that I can say.


Ideas pop into your mind,

but you never jot them down.

and then they pop right out again,

they are nowhere to be found.

Your looking for inspiration,

until then plan is vague.

Writers, write you know not talk,

that is all that I can say.


Your going to buy some post it notes,

to capture all your dreams.

Leave some paper by your bed,

you won’t be needing reams.

Your going to write tomorrow,

or maybe the next day.

Writers, write you know not talk,

that is all that I can say.


You worry about what others will think,

your not good at criticism.

You’ll keep your writing to yourself,

until you find your rhythm.

Then you’ll emerge a great writer,

it’s what the critics will say.

Writers, write you know not talk,

that is all that I can say.


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