Pathways of my Mind



 I step onto the pathway, I check my footings sure

I’ve taken many turnings, as sure there will be more

Check to see I am grounded, I want to stay on track

I focus where I want to go, I can as easily turn back

I have to watch for pitfalls, my mind I must direct

 To remember where I go, at the time that I reflect

My whole life is pathways, of one sort of a kind

The real and the emotional, so many of my mind

I’ll take another step today, to grow a little more

A pathway will present again, of that I can be sure.



A sidewalk to me is unfamiliar, I don’t think I’ve ever really used the term even in short the time I spent living in the US and Canada. For todays prompt of I’m changing it to pathway and I hope you’ll forgive me, but pathway is more familiar and I’m not jumping off my pathway to walk the sidewalk 😉


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